I went to Colleyville Heritage High school in the suburbs of Dallas.  Originally the high school was supposed to be a jail and so the layout was in a very strange way.  It was pretty much one giant square with classrooms on the inside and outside of the hallway.  Although the building was built like a jail,  being inside of the building did not really feel like a jail, it was very easy to navigate and it was easy to remember which hallways had which classes, which made it very easy to know where your classes were.  The building also felt very open once you got to the first floor and gave a nice open feel for people that were at basketball games or in the lunch room.  Being downstairs always made me excited because it normally meant that I was with friends whether it be in the lunch room or in the gym at baseball or basketball practice.  Although the buildings as a whole did not feel like a jail cell most of the classes on the inside of the building did not have windows and if you got a class that you did not enjoy you could feel as if you were in a jail cell and were just waiting for you to be released from your cell.  Overall my experience in my High School building was very positive and very regularly give me good memories about my high school years.

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