Christian Lujan – Blog 4 – Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, being as cliche as it is, was also a really nice place to visit. While in France, I stayed in a place that was no more than a mile away from the Eiffel Tower. As you could probably assume, I spent a great amount of time around that general area and got several chances to see the Eiffel Tower, both day and night. One of the nights, we planned to have a picnic during its nightly light show and that was definitely an experience worth trying. We sat in the field shown above and ate as the light show played. Standing directly under the Eiffel Tower is also really interesting because it gives you the realization of how big it truly is. I shouldn’t have to say this but if you’re ever in France, definitely check it out.

Bonus: They also have a really good crepe stand close by to the Eiffel Tower where you can get nutella crepes for cheap.

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