Rob Nayfa – Post 2 – Statue of Liberty


The Statue of Liberty was created by sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, in Paris, France. The statue was finished in 1884 and then shipped to the United States in 1885 where it still stands today. The pedestal has elements of Greek architecture as well as Aztec motifs. The first thing that stands out to me about the Statue of Liberty is the color of the lady. After research I learned that the statue is green because it is layered in copper that changed colors over time. I think it is remarkable that they could build a statue of that size during a time period without advanced technology. Altogether, this statue represents the United States in many ways and was remarkably built in a time that lacked modern technology.


Statue of Liberty (1870-86). (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2020, from

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