Christian Lujan – Blog 1 – Seattle Space Needle


The Seattle Space Needle is not only a tourist attraction, it’s also a symbol to the people of Seattle. When I was younger, I lived in the great state of Washington and was able to visit the Space Needle several times during the 3 years that I lived there. In January 2020, after over 10 years, I was able to fly back up to Seattle and of course revisit the Space Needle. Needless to say, it’s got an amazing view at the top as well as several popular attractions around it. To me, it holds a special place in my heart due to the nostalgia of practically growing up around it. When I finally was able to revisit it this past Christmas break, I was overall happy to be back after so long. One fact about the Space Needle in Seattle is that it was originally meant to be temporary when first built but ultimately was chosen to remain where it still stands today.

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