An Nguyen- Step Tower by EASTERN design office-Blog Post 6

this apartment block is in Osaka Prefecture by Japanese Eastern Design Office. it is a ten-storey building called Step Tower, located at a shopping and industrial district. this building is larger than a normal building around it. the space of the building get wider from the bottom to the top so people can get larger view on the top. The exterior wall is white with the very smooth and rounded edges giving the curve the the balconies and make you feel like the wave splashes when the ship is on the sea. the architecture compare the balconies to the hull of a ship. Each floor of the building contains four one-room apartments designed for couple and the last four floor contain two three-bedroom designed for families. the first flood consisting of a tenant space at the first floor. the simple and neat looking of the apartment reminds me of a cool lifestyle in some southern country or being on a trip, spending time the middle of the ocean.

Frearson, A. (2014, June 27). Step Tower by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from

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