Blog 3: Taylor Sperry Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Last year over spring break, my family, a friend of mine, and I all took a trip to Universal Studios. While every ride and attraction is fascinating and neat to experience, especially because of how they make everything you see in films come to life, what captured me the most was the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. While I personally have only seen short segments of one or two of the movies, and never read the books, even though I was not a super fan like a lot of people in the attraction, I was still in awe. Being there felt like being in a different world almost, or at least, definitely not in Orlando, FL. It felt like we were on a movie set or maybe even in some mystical place. My favorite individual structure was the castle, shown in the picture above, but even that does not capture how massive and magnificent it really is. The magnificence carried on as we went into the castle, as every single detailed was catered to.

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