Enrique Carrillo-Statue of Liberty-Blog 1

Recently, this past Christmas, I went to the NYC area and saw family there. I also explored the many sights and sounds of the bustling city.  I encountered plenty of buildings of many, but the one that will always stick out to me is the Statue of Liberty that I saw in my travels.


Of course, whenever you see the Statue of Liberty, most people think of freedom, sacrifice, patriotism, etc. For me, after exploring the different attractions that are offered on Liberty Island, I have a new idea what it represents now, Hard work to unify the world.

To give a brief summary of the statue, it was created by the French architect Frederic Batholdi and Gustave Effiel as a gift for the U.S helping the French in their revolution for Freedom. One key aspect of this is the picture below that I took from my travels. It shows the metal framework of the statue, using many of the same concepts that Mr. Effiel used when the Effiel Tower was built in Paris

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