Reece Reinke: Carson Engineering Center – Blog 2

The Carson Engineering Center was completed in 1965, and was opened for the 75th anniversary of the University of Oklahoma. The Carson Engineering Center is currently home to the offices of the Dean of Engineering.

This building is where I had my first true engineering course. Digital Design was a class that focused on basic digital design logic and theory. On the second floor, in room 222  is where I started to feel like I could do the engineering thing. The building itself was uninspiring, but what the building stood for is what inspired me. The building stood as the entry point to my formal education and development as an engineer.

While the outside of the building can be considered pleasing, the interior is a product of its time. The building is functional and serves its duty as a building for classrooms and labs. It provides what you expect from an engineering building, function over form.

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