Reece Reinke: Carl Albert High School Field House – Blog 1

Mid-Del Schools. (n.d.) Carl Albert  Field House Day. photograph, Midwest City, OK.

The Carl Albert High School Field House was built in May 2000. This is where I spent most of my free time during high school. The field house was home to all the sports programs, locker rooms, and work out rooms, as well as the basketball stadium. I played basketball, football, and tennis so I was in this building almost everyday after school. I have so many good memories in this building, it’s hard to count them all.

Mid-Del Schools. (n.d.) Carl Albert  Field House Interior. photograph, Midwest City, OK.

This building is designed excellently, not from just a stadium standpoint, but also how the underbelly where the work out rooms and locker rooms are located. This building manages to easily house 2 cheer rooms, two large weight rooms, over 15 locker rooms, a sports medicine office, a wrestling room, an administration office, and on top of that it is a basketball stadium. I would say one of the nicest high school basketball arenas in the state of Oklahoma. This building had a very positive impact on my life, being the building where I learned to value hard work and make life long friendships.


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