Blog 1 – Science Hall – Jacob Nichols


Built in 1911, Science Hall was the first building constructed on campus at East Central University (at the time known as East Central State Normal School). This building is where I spent most of my time for the first few years of my college career before I transferred to OU. It is not necessarily an ugly building outside, but it is over 100 years old and as such, the interior is subpar compared to other buildings at ECU. I actually think the exterior is pretty nice looking for its age.

For some reason I like this building even though it does offer what I will call a “unique” olfactory experience on the inside. I still have some nostalgia when I visit this building and I can assure you that it is not because I loved all of the math classes I took there. But I did take many classes in Science Hall and made a lot of friends in its classrooms. So, I think I like this building because of the memories I have from the time I was there.


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