Griffith Observatory. Blog #1

Griffith Observatory

This is the Griffith Observatory located in Los Angeles, CA. This building has affected me in a very positive way, throughout my life. My first interaction with this building was when I went on a school field trip when I was seven years old. I remember being so impressed with the building itself because it looked so different with its unique architecture and the planetarium dome. I thought that the observatory looked so futuristic, however later that day I found out that this structure had a long history and had actually been completed in 1935. The interior of the building however was not as impressive as the exterior. The building was kind of run down and the space exhibits were underwhelming. However, I still appreciated the location of the building, and I was so excited to be so high up on the mountains overlooking the entire city.

One of my most prominent memories related to the Griffith Observatory was how big of a deal it was when the city announced that the building would be closed for a period of four years for renovation. Citizens took this building for granted and loved visiting and were outraged that the building would be closed for that long. However, the city of Los Angeles realized that the building was worthy of restoration, and the almost 100 million dollars that would be spent so that future of citizens of the city could further enjoy this building.

Over the years, I visited this building many times. I have many good many memories of meeting up with friends and hiking from the base of Griffith park the whole way up to the Observatory. The Griffith Observatory to me represents a quintessential Los Angeles building, reminds me of my childhood, and to this day is still a building that catches my attention.

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