Blog 2 Justin Ballou- Cinderella’s Castle

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Cinderella’s Castle at Magic Kingdom of Walt Disney World. One of the most iconic buildings in the world. It’s meaning is purely entertainment, sentiment, nostalgia, and to inspire people to live and feel happy.

I have been to Disney World five times, and every time I walk into the sea of people and see this building, I feel happy. For me, it is an automatic feeling that I get when I see this building or its logo. A feeling placed and developed in me from all the Disney movies, shows, and marketing. The castle is almost synonymous with happiness or good feelings. I remember the first time I saw the castle. I was 8 years old, and I watched something Disney almost every day of my life. Seeing the castle for the first time was a moment I will not forget. I was pulling on my mom’s arm in awe and excitement of what I was actually seeing. The most recent time was with my father for the Orange Bowl. The castle still gives me those feelings of joy. Now, I feel more the sentimental feelings of my past.

Image may contain: Roy Ballou and Justin Ballou, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

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