An Nguyen- OCCC- Blog Post 2

This building is building of engineer department at OCCC. This building has very straight and long hall inside, and there are glass wall on both side of the hall which make the hall very bright and open from the outside. This was the place that I spent the most time when I was in OCCC. I like it because it is very quiet here, people usually enter the school by the main entrance and do not know about this place. There is a big restroom right at the entrance, the parking lot always have space. This is the place that I feel relax and enjoy the most. I studied here, ate here. This place is also safest place in OCCC because there is a police department right next to this building and this is the only way that officer enter the main campus, they usually hang out here too. Every it rains, it remind me of the time that I was still in OCCC, it was soo convenient that you can park my car right in-front of the door and walk right in the building.

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