Leia Otterstatter: Blog 1 – Physical Science Center

This building is the Physical Science Center on the University of Oklahoma’s campus; however it is also known as, “the blender.”  As you can see, the tall tower and style makes it look like an actual blender.  This building holds a multitude of different classes at OU ranging from English to math.  The faculty offices are in the tower and the classrooms can be found on floors 1 to 4.  Personally, I have spent hundreds of hours in this building, mostly for my math classes.

When I first came into this building during my freshman year, I was excited because I knew that many of my classes would be in this building and I would be spending a lot of time here throughout my collegiate career to earn my degree.  However, I feel as if my experience and thoughts of this building have changed since I have been here. The building itself is very closed off and does not have any windows where the students learn.  The classrooms are also incredibly hard to find, especially on the first day of class, so you usually have to get there early.  However, I do appreciate that this building does allow me to learn the necessary information that I need for my degree.

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