Blog Kenzie Heggie Vancouver Convention Center

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The Convention Center in Vancouver Canada, is one of the most beautiful convention centers I have ever been to in my life. It sits right up against the water and is right in the Heart of Canada. The convention center holds over 500 events a year, it is 466,500 square feet, and also includes a six acre living roof. The living roof is one of my favorites part about the convention center that not everyone knows, there are very few events there that even acknowledge the living roof at all.

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The living roof is the largest in Canada consisting of more than 4,000 different plants and grasses, it is a home for 240,000 bees as well as Canadian geese who return every year to raise their young. Every 2 weeks the grass gets mowed and there is more than 11,000 pounds of grass collected. This was something I learned after my last cheer competition there and I have taken a lot fo interest in it and keeping updated with how it is doing.Image result for facts about the convention center in vancouver canada

The Convention Center is only 2 hours from my house and I have been there many times for cheer competitions. My family, friends and I travel there together and get to compete in the most beautiful place. There is an open roof where the warm up room is and there are birds flying all around you and it just makes you appreciate the scenery. It is one of the prettiest places to be in January when the sun is shining and beating off the water reflecting onto the building and at night when the convention center is all lit up and shining bright onto the water and it almost make you see two fo the buildings.

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The convention center was where I had my last ever cheerleading competition close to home and it was the only place i could ever imagine finishing my career at. It reminds me so much of my journey and my life and how far i had come from the first time i competed there to the last time i competed there. The convention center is a constant reminder of how far i have come as a cheerleader and as a person and I am so thankful for a place that is able to show me who i really have become.

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