Blog, Kenzie Heggie HP Field house ESPN

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The ESPN World Wide Sports Complex in Orlando Florida was built in 1997, in 2011 they then added the HP Field House. The HP field house is one of the most technological advanced buildings in the world for sports teams. It is known to be the best place for high caliber competitions. It seats 5,500 people and the main floor is 30,000 square feet.  The complex itself host all types of sports events, however the HP Field house is mostly known for hosting cheerleading events.Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

The HP Field house is a place I admire it carries so much magic in it. The field house reminds me of strength, power, talent, and dreams. I have felt fear, happiness, let downs, excitements and sadness. It’s a place that can make or break your dreams and goals. The HP Field house, allows the most talented cheerleaders in the world to show what they are made of, what they can really do and what they have been working all year for. Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

I have been to this building 17 times now for cheerleading events since 2012. This is where the best of the best cheerleading teams go to compete. When I have gone there for the cheerleading worlds, I made it to finals many times, and then haven’t a couple times. In 2012 I got a taste of what a champion is and it made me hungry to win. This building has given me a goal to become a world or national champion one day and I wont stop until I do. Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

This building makes dreams come true. Everyone always talks about Disneyworld and how its the happiest place on the planet, and for me the HP Field House is my Disneyland, it is my happy place. No matter how I leave the building feeling I know I did something great in there. I know that everything I worked for paid off no matte the outcome. The HP feildhouse holds more memories for me than any place on the planet.

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