Blog 3 – Emily Elmburg – Colosseum

The Colosseum in Rome is one of the greatest architectural masterpieces in all of history. This building has a history that will be remembered for centuries to come and gave me one of my own most memorable moments. 

This past summer, I was given the opportunity to study abroad in Italy. This trip got me out of my comfort zone because I traveled with a group of people that I was not too familiar with. On top of that, this trip was just overall so exhausting for me because I had to focus on my schoolwork, was constantly surrounded by people, and was always on the move as we ventured from city to city. However, through the difficult classwork and exhaustion, this trip ended up giving me so many of my fondest memories and sweetest friendships. 

The Colosseum, in particular, connects me to great memories because of all of the pictures that I took in front of it. This was one of our first travel days apart from this class. All of the other days were simply spent in the classroom or doing homework, but the travel days gave us a chance to really connect with our classmates. This travel day was when I met some of the girls that I became so close with. These friendships deepened as the rest of the trip went on. One thing that was so great about this trip was that, these people are still going to school with me now, so I have been able to continue the relationships for years to come. So, what began with simple pictures in front of the Colosseum, ended up rolling into friendships that were close in Rome and have gotten even closer in Norman. 

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