Blog 2 – Emily Elmburg – LifeChurch

Personally, my religion is a huge part of who I am and how I choose to live my life. Religion is a guiding principle in my life and I truly became grounded in this fact after attending this church. I have attended LifeChurch for years and it has had a tremendous influence on who I have become as a person. 

While I have jumped around from location to location, primarily because of the fact that I grew up in Tulsa but currently live in Norman, the connection that I feel to each of these different buildings is one and the same. Honestly, all of the LifeChurch locations tend to have a similar look to them, making it easy to transition from one to the other if needed. This building provides me with hope, peace, and rejuvenation each and every Sunday. LifeChurch is somewhere that I have found my identity and community in this world. The people that go here with me are some of my closest friends and mentors. This is where I genuinely learn how to live my life. No other building or organization has impacted me more than this one right here. It shapes how I view the world, the choices that I make, the people that I enjoy spending time with, and gives me purpose. LifeChurch is something that has been a part of my life for years and will still be present in my life for a long for-seen future. 

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