Blog #2 Elijah Robertson: Physical Sciences Center

The Physical Sciences Center was constructed in 1969 costing around 5.5 million. I unfortunately was one of those who had the majority of my classes in this building throughout my time at OU. This building seems to reflect industrial efficiency and orderliness, however it comes at the cost to beauty. Everything seems a bit too compact for my taste, with little natural lighting. As an engineer, I generally appreciate the phrase “function over form,” but I feel this building put too much emphasis on the former and far too little on the latter. 


Blog #1 Elijah Robertson: SRTC

My favorite building on the OU campus by far is the Stephenson Research and Technology Center. This building was completed in 2005 with an estimated cost of around $18,800,000. Upon entering, one is greeting by the setting of enormous open space and the saturation of natural light. There is a skylight and a huge proportion of the exterior is made of glass. Throughout my time at OU, I regularly visit this building twice a week to perform research. My research could at times be dry and boring, but I always enjoyed being inside this work of architecture.

Blog#4-Andres Emilio Flores Herrera- Tate Museum London

Tate Modern is a modern art gallery located in London. It is Britain’s national gallery of international modern art and forms part of the Tate group. ate Modern is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the world. As with the UK’s other national galleries and museums, there is no admission charge for access to the collection displays, which take up the majority of the gallery space, while tickets must be purchased for the major temporary exhibitions. The gallery is a highly visited museum, pulling in approximately 5.8 million visitors in 2018.

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what I love about this building is that to many people it can seem a pretty ugly building. I remember the first time I saw the building I though it was ugly compared to the rest of the buildings around London. but what it makes this building so especial its that inside Modern Art is shown. I see the building as a relation to modern art and its different ways to be seen by the people. it is the same for Tate museum the ugliness of it can turn into something pretty.

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Blog#3-Andres Emilio Flores- Castello Sforzesco Milan Italy

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is in Milan, northern Italy. It was built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, on the remnants of a 14th-century fortification. Later renovated and enlarged, in the 16th and 17th centuries it was one of the largest citadels in Europe. Extensively rebuilt by Luca Beltrami in 1891–1905, it now houses several of the city’s museums and art collections.

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This building is quite special to me, I used spend hours with my friends in the park inside the castle drinking wine and listening music. it is a very social point in Milan Italy, all the Italian folk has partied and chilled at least once inside the park.

Blog#2-Andres Emilio Flores- Expiatorio Leon Mexico

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this building called “Expiatorio”  was pretty important whenever I used to visit my dad in Mexico, I like it since it looks like a big white mountain with a Gothic style based in Notre Dame. in the middle of a very different type of architecture. the church is in the Mexican city Leon Guanajuato ans it has been not yet finished, there is a local legend that says that the city will be destroyed when the church is finished. As I already mentioned the reason I like this building is that the magnitude and beauty of it in the middle of a low-class neighborhood makes it even more interesting and it gives an idea of the importance of religion in Mexico. also it is one of the only big buildings that was built with pink marble giving it a big distinction.

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Blog#1-Andres Emilio Flores Herrera-Karthaus Freiburg Germany

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This building is quite important to me and for the history of the town where is located. This used to be my high school back in Germany, the Robert Bosch foundation bough an old German monastery which is more than 600 years old. the building was completely rebuilt and modernized from inside but it was kept conserved exactly as it was before from outside. things like the old chapel were reconstructed to the school library. Under the building there are many tunnels that were used in medieval times that can take you from the school to the downtown of Freiburg Germany.

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when I was younger I used to break into the basement of the school and take the tunnels all the way to the city center.  It was very excited to study in such beautiful and importation historic building. this building is kept in an special place in my heart.

Blog #4, Connor Haigh, NKMS

Man, this building is ugly. This is where I attended middle school and it is called North Kirkwood Middle School. The building is clunky to navigate, ugly in the inside, and no parking at all. Also, middle school is the worst schooling experience I had and this buildings ugly architecture certainly did not help. If I never saw this building again I would be extremely happy.

Blog #3, Connor Haigh, St. Louis Arch


The St. Louis Arch represents my home city, St. Louis. I’ve seen and even been inside, the Arch many times and it never fails to amaze me how the heck this thing was built so long ago. Since I don’t live in St. Louis anymore, anytime I see the Arch it reminds me of how awesome St. Louis is. The Arch represents positivity for many St. Louis residents as we are very passionate about our city!

Blog #2, Connor Haigh, St. Issac’s Cathedral

This Cathedral is located in St. Petersburg, Russia. A few years back, I was fortunate enough to visit St. Petersburg, Russia, which is labeled as “The City of Cathedrals”. This was my favorite Cathedral that I saw and is very beautiful both the inside and outside. Named after Saint Issac, the size of the cathedral is astounding and that’s what stands out the most out this piece of architecture.  This building will always be one I remember and leaves many positive memories of my trip to the City of Cathedrals.

Blog #1, Connor Haigh, My old home

This was my first home which is in Kirkwood, Missouri. This building has impacted me postiviley because this is where I grew up. I enjoyed the “woody” look of the home, giving a cabin feel. Also during the spring our landscape looked amazing when the flours bloomed. This building represents by youth and fun times. I loved every second I spent living in this home and I was very sad when we moved.